Jealousy devours us, we are its dish of the day. (Jalousie nous dévore. - Nous sommes son plat du jour).

— Charles de Leusse

It is childish to eat primarily or only to please your tongue.

— Mokokoma Mokhonoana

An indoor man eats nothing, except that which is prepared and served by his mother with lots of insults, an outdoor man eats that which he buys, prepares, served and eaten with lots of respect.

— Michael Bassey Johnson

Our thoughts, feelings and whereabouts: Food we dish up on plates called photographs and status updates; to feed Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.; beasts with insatiable appetites.

— Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Like a child who saves their favourite food on the plate for last, I try to save all thoughts of you for the end of the day so I can dream with the taste of you on my tongue.

— Kamand Kojouri

Never take advice about never taking advice. That is an old vice of men - to dish it out without being able to take it - the blind leading the blind into more blindness.

— Criss Jami