Mentorships, similar to other important relationships, usually end. Ideological differences and a need to chart a personal path might preclude parties from maintaining the original balance that stabilized a mentoring relationship. Conflict between an apprentice and his master is not always bad; in fact, it is almost inevitable, if the apprentice’s destiny is to exceed the accomplishments of the master.

— Kilroy J. Oldster

The relationship between apprentice and mentor is one of the most beautiful and most sacred relationships. In sharing his wisdom with his apprentice, the mentor discovers even more wisdom to share.

— Charbel Tadros

Now it's the dark's turn to be afraid.

— Joseph Delaney

If you sound like a contestant from The Apprentice or if the customer believes that they are being sold AT, you have already failed.

— Chris Murray

The question is not 'can you wear your father's shoes?'. The question is 'can you walk in your father's shoes?'. It is one thing having a mentor and it is another thing to become like your mentor.

— Israelmore Ayivor

Yes, I'm sure [the princess] thinks daily of a delinquent midget apprentice growing up to claim her hand ahead of all the nobles and princes of the realm. What could any of them possibly give that you don't have, except titles, land, wealth and all that.

— Jonathan Renshaw

Not a wonder you are out camping with us princess,” Rizz said dryly.Falita gave a clearing snort of her opposite nostril and looked up. “Why's that?”“One can't go snorting and blowing snot all over a castle. It would ruin the décor!”Falita ignored the comment. “A bath would certainly freshen things up.”“You've bathed three times in five days. How many more baths do you need?” Artamos asked.“Enough to stay clean, and I don't recall either of you bathing on this trip.”“I don't need to Princess,” Rizz replied. “I have my own naturally sweet odor.”Falita scrunched up her nose, “I'm aware of that, and it is not pleasing in camp.

— M.L. Hall

Never take advice about never taking advice. That is an old vice of men - to dish it out without being able to take it - the blind leading the blind into more blindness.

— Criss Jami

An apprentice was unquestioningly loyal until the moment he wasn't. Both Master and apprentice knew this.

— Paul S. Kemp

All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me - consciously or unconsciously. That's to be expected.

— Donald Trump