I see ridiculous stories about my butt, like how it has been insured. I feel like saying, 'Hey, everyone has a butt. It's not that big a deal!' But I suppose it's flattering. Personally, I've always loved the curvy look. Even when I was a little girl and all my friends would be like, 'Oh, my god, your butt's so big.' And I'd say, 'I love it.

— Kim Kardashian

The red lipstick? It's supposed to signal fertility and readiness to mate. Just like the swollen red butt of a baboon. That tight-fitting little dress that shows off your curves? From the standpoint of evolutionary biology, big breasts represent a healthy mate who can feed a lot of offspring. That's why men are programmed to like big tits. When you show off your curves, what you're really doing is advertising to the whole world: 'Look at me! I'm a healthy female! I'd be a perfect mate! Come mount me!

— Oliver Markus

No one wants to see curvy women.

— Karl Lagerfeld

She wasn't much over five feet and a hundred pounds, and she looked a little scrawny around the neck and ankles. But that was all right. It was perfectly all right. The good Lord had known just where to put that flesh where it would really do some good.

— Jim Thompson