Keep your hands off me.” She spoke viciously, through her teeth, and he caught a glimpse of her deVere ancestry. She was a virago in tiny, fragile, fairy form.

— Christina Brooke

He tasted like Edmund, smelled like Edmund, felt like second chances. He kissed her as if she were as indispensable as air. As though his every heartbeat belonged as much to her as it did to him.

— Erica Ridley

Te amo, Querida,' he whispered suddenly, stroking her hair. 'Tu eres mi luz en la oscuridad.' 'This is the second time you've said that,' Cassandra murmured. 'What does it mean?' 'I love you.' His voice was as rough as his hand on her cheek was gentle. 'You are my light in the darkness.

— Brooklyn Ann

Good night, my lord.” The words were pronounced in her most withering tone.By contrast, he remained quite alarmingly unwithered long after she left.

— Christina Brooke

But marriage is forever.''Oh, not really,' he assured her. 'Only until one of us dies.'Her eyes widened. 'I do not want you to die,' she said.'Perhaps you will go first,' he said, 'though I rather think I hope not. I would probably have grown accustomed to you by then and would miss you.

— Mary Balogh

Rafe pulled Cassandra into his arms. 'At first, I wanted my arm back to feel whole again and to not appear weak before my enemies. Now I only want it to hold you.

— Brooklyn Ann

We must go to the laboratory at once. I have some cannabis.

— Brooklyn Ann

People do understand the language of the heart, you know, even if the head does not always comprehend it.

— Mary Balogh

You should know that Rafael is not the beast he would have you believe he is. He may be harsh, but he is fair. However, I highly recommend that you endeavor to be on his good side.' She raised a brow. 'Does he have one?

— Brooklyn Ann

It was so unlikely that she should be there, standing on the far side of the ballroom, and yet there she was. Unlikely Lucy, gleaming, a jade flame burning bright in a sea of mere diamonds. Polished and disheveled at the same time, her fitted, elegant gown contrasted with hair that looked as if it had been precariously arranged and might escape its pins at any moment.

— Jenny Holiday