You can'tassume I'min bad shapejust becausei've run out ofthe energy toimpressyou.
— Curtis Tyrone JonesTake distinct steps and exploits. Those who are distinct and distinguished always score distinction. Go there, be there and stay there.
— Israelmore AyivorThat's enough crying about the problems, let's begin killing the problems.
— Amit KalantriHealth is hearty, health is harmony, health is happiness.
— Amit KalantriBefore you worry about the beauty of your body, worry about the health of your body.
— Amit KalantriWhenever I am in a difficult situation where there seems to be no way out, I think about all the times I have been in such situations and say to myself, 'I did it before, so I can do it again.
— Idowu KoyenikanMen who make all the decisions in a relationship are also the ones who will blame you when they don’t work out as they expected.
— Heather ChappleNothing great was ever achieved without a personal sacrifice. You have to pay the price to realize your goals.
— Lailah Gifty AkitaCathy, don't look so defeated. She was only trying to put us downagain.Maybe nothing did work out right for her, but that doesn't mean we aredoomed. Let's go forth tomorrow with no great expectations of findingperfection. Then, expecting only a small share of happiness, we won'tbe disappointed.
— V.C. AndrewsYou need alot of patient to keep working.It takes time for the goals to be realized.
— Lailah Gifty Akita