If chaos is a masterpiece,Then you should see my heart.If battle scars are beautiful,Then I'm a work of art.

— Kyra Jackson

The fact is that if the writer's attention is on producing a work of art, a work that is good in itself, he is going to take great pains to control every excess, everything that does not contribute to this central meaning and design. He cannot indulge in sentimentality, in propagandizing, or in pornography and create a work of art, for all these things are excesses. They call attention to themselves and distract from the work as a whole.

— Flannery O'Connor

When you do your works sincerely, you put wings to your works and then they will fly all over the world on their own!

— Mehmet Murat ildan

A great director gives life to a work of art- gives it a heartbeat… a pulse… opens its eyes to the world.

— A.D. Posey

A perfect work of art is not the one that has no mistakes. It is the one people will like. Creation is not perfect but god is praised for having created it.

— Bangambiki Habyarimana

A film that is a true work of art transcends theatre and heartwarmingly changes lives.

— A.D. Posey

The only valid rule for a work of art is that it be true to itself.

— Marty Rubin

Outward beauty is the frame for the masterpiece of your soul.

— Shannon L. Alder

The artistic life is a long and lovely suicide precisely because it involves the negation of self; as Highsmith imagined herself as her characters, so Ripley takes on the personae of others and in doing so metamorphoses himself into a 'living' work of art. A return to the 'real life' after a period of creativity resulted in a fall in spirits, an agony Highsmith felt acutely. She voiced this pain in the novel via Bernard's quotation of an excerpt from Derwatt's notebook: 'There is no depression for the artist except that caused by a return to the self'.

— Andrew Wilson

If you don’t think screenwriting is a work of art, good luck in your life without a soul.

— A.D. Posey