If you truly love someone, then love them right in the places they feel most unsure and most vulnerable.And that';s how you help them love themselves.

— Wordions

Emotions are some merciless attention seekers you know.You ignore them they destroy you.

— Drishti Bablani

In the story of life'Hope' is the Hero who protects the Lady Love 'Dream (Desire from the bad guy 'Fear'.

— Wordions

Self Respect ' respects boundaries, yours or other's.'Ego' is so full of self, it sees no boundaries.

— Drishti Bablani

Yes, I value emotions deeply.Call me sensitive, call me weak, call me outdated, call me anything you may, but tell me the truth, can you deny emotions give life to life. If Emotions are an integral part of Being Human,why do people suppress feeling them ?Does the bruising scare them ? Than I wonder who is weak ?

— Drishti Bablani

I owe most of my wisdom to the problems I was gifted.

— Wordions

In the moment when you are hurt…Sit with yourself, let yourself feel the hurt, acknowledge the shames it touched and accept them. Hug yourself, let yourself cry. Let yourself Shout. Let it all out. No it's not lame. Embrace your shames. But do not go and sink with them. You are a fighter, turn them around.You will grow through it, if you Let yourself. And once you have gone past it all, don't forget to look back and appreciate the growth.Thank the pain and always keep Gratitude above Hurtitude.

— Drishti Bablani

When a bad experience shakes your faith in humanity, hold those depressing thoughts and ask yourself. 1. How many things in life have you achieved Without anyone’s help ? I can almost guarantee none. The help may be in terms of an action, an advise, direction or mere presence. 2. How many times has someone just come in from nowhere in your time of need and said or done just what you needed at that moment.Each one of us is an angel for someone. Let's be that angel more often.

— Drishti Bablani

The most powerful channel of communicationis still, 'The Heart' !

— Wordions

In essence the journey to wisdom is a study of self,The conscious, sub-conscious and unconscious self.

— Drishti Bablani