People go around mourning the death of God; it's the death of sssin that bothers me. Without ssin, people aren't people any more, they're just ssoul-less sheep.
— John UpdikeNever abandon widows, widowers and orphans.
— Lailah Gifty AkitaI think first of the children. What the hell am I supposed to tell them? Then I think about money, the house, all those things no widow will tell you ever crossed her mind.
— Shannon CelebiPeople will rather pass by the weak, the lame, the beggars, the orphans, the tormented, the widows and take their large offerings to church, to the man of God who already has a mansion and jets , what a shallow mindedness.
— Sunday AdelajaAdditionally, many widows took over family shops or businesses- and, not uncommonly, ran them better than their dead husbands. Y.Pestis [black death germ] turns out to have been something of a feminist.
— John KellyHow can man put a cost on saving this planet of ours?Have we traversed so far down the road that all we care about is money and wealth?Do we honestly care about the coming generations or are we so greedy that we don't really give a damn about what happens after we leave this life behind?To all of you that read this, stop and look at your son's or daughter's. Walk to your windows and look outside and see other children playing heedless of their parent's greed and selfish ideals.It's the children who we are saving this world for.Not Us!
— Anthony T. HincksMay a man live well-, and long-enough, to leave many joyful widows behind him.
— Roman PayneMay a man live well-enough and long-enough, to leave many joyful widows behind him.
— Roman PayneYou can’t live your life in a bubble, Charlie. And you can’t live Evan’s life for him. He won’t thank you if you try to wrap him in bubble wrap and set him on a shelf.
— Tamara HoffaSome of the common occurrences of injustice are the presence of poverty, starvation, gender inequality, neglected widows and orphans and the injustice towards other vulnerable groups of people.
— Sunday Adelaja