Without purpose, we're zombies aimlessly roaming the earth.

— Ahmed Mostafa

Create. Not for the money. Not for the fame. Not for the recognition. But for the pure joy of creating something and sharing it.

— Ernest Barbaric

Why are we here? Is there, really, some intelligent design? Why do we cry for someone who leaves us, if there's some Grand Pearly Gate in the sky? Why worry about how we build our lives if the ultimate ending for all is death, a single breath away?

— Ellen Hopkins

Why are we here? Why didn't God just make us and place us in Heaven? What is this place called Earth we're sent to reside in until we're called to live in Heaven for eternity? Training Camp Earth...It is the reason we're here. It is simply a training camp of lesson after lesson to build strength and our relationship with God before we go home. What lesson is God working on in your life today?

— Kimberly Loving Ross

Energy is what I believe all of us are. We're just conscious awareness dancing for itself for no other reason but to stay amused.

— Jim Carrey