It only takes one cat – or person – to make another feel welcome and special.
— Laura C. MonteiroSince we all know that death is inevitable, I don't really see the difference between dying now and dying a decade later. So if I'm threatened with assassination, I welcome it!
— Miriam Defensor-SantiagoTo me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug.
— Helen KellerThere is no friend like an old friend who has shared our morning days, no greeting like his welcome, no homage like his praise.
— Oliver Wendell HolmesCommon sense would suggest that having ability, like being smart, inspires confidence. It does, but only while the going is easy. The deciding factor in life is how you handle setbacks and challenges. People with a growth mindset welcome setbacks with open arms.
— Travis BradberryMoment by moment, in life's winter, life frozeEchoing a history of blues, a milestone roseFrom A Farewell A welcome.
— Sandeep N TripathiWhy at the beginning of things is there always light? Dorrigo Evans' earliest memories were of sun flooding a church hall in which he sat with his mother and grandmother. A wooden church hall. Blinding light and him toddling back and forth, in and out of its transcendent welcome, into the arms of women. Women who loved him. Like entering the sea and returning to the beach. Over and over.
— Richard FlanaganWhen I was a child, the temptation to sin was always a romantic option. This romantic option led me to the cinema, a place where sin was welcome.
— Harmony KorineI want to say a very sincere thank you for this welcome home - it is a wonderful welcome home. It is the place to where I return and where I will always return because it is of Galway that I am.
— Michael D. HigginsBeing a “friend of sinners” is an accusation that Christians should wear as a badge of honor, for nothing could honor Jesus more, and nothing is more revealing of who God actually is.
— Ronnie McBrayer