Sometimes, the waves grow hushed, but the sea is always there, touching, caressing, eating the earth...
— Keri HulmeI wish to spend a lifetime near a lighthouse where loneliness will be the glimmer of luminous prancing upon ocean waves… rising and falling only for my breathing.
— Munia KhanSometimes it can be as brutally overwhelming as a tidal wave flooding every orifice, the suffocation, the pressure, the immensity of this damnable depression like an ocean, unsurmountable. It swallows me whole and gnaws at my very bones. It floods me over and over, drowning me over and over... It is a torturous broken record player with a scratched disc on repeat, the wailing disrupting any possible good remaining after the tsunami. It wails and wails inside my ribcage and inside my skull. I cannot make it stop.
— Moonshine NoireAs the waves relentlessly seek the shore, so my thoughts continually return to you.
— John Mark GreenOne day, all your worries will set like the sun does and deserved happiness will come gushing like waves at the beach do. All you need to make sure id that your trips to beach never end.
— Jasleen Kaur GumberWoman cannot survive on droplets, she requires waves to regularly crash over her shores as the moon gives way to the sun...
— Virginia AlisonWhen I realized that my home was completely filled with a biologically toxic radio wave field, I decided that the best route forward was to milk the home for all of the biological research that I could possibly produce from it!
— Steven MageeWhen the tidal waves wildly behavingMy bare feet on the shore busy savingThe calm warmth leaking out of the sandTo let my heart feel peacefully tanned!
— Munia KhanGrief came in waves, sometimes big, sometimes small, but even on the calmest days, the grief remained. The tide still came ashore.
— Dianna HardyTime is the wave upon the shore. It takes some things away, but it brings other things.
— Amy Neftzger