A kind of childlike purity to her repose that made the thought of kissing her seem vile.
— Jessica KhouryThere is no brightness without darkness. There is no body without its shadow.
— Jessica KhouryShe was a blank, a wordless being. She was a hole in the universe.
— Jessica KhouryIt's a limitless new world, and we are only just beginning to explore it.
— Jessica KhouryIt seemed to her that living without control of your own will was hardly a step above not living at all.
— Jessica KhouryThere's just one rule, just one basic law that everyone lives under : take control or be controlled.
— Jessica KhouryEverytime he looked at her she felt brighter inside, and she yearned to keep his attention, to hold his gaze.
— Jessica KhouryIf people could fall apart, why couldn't they fall back together?
— Jessica Khoury