There is no society ever discovered in the remotest corner of the world that has not had something that we would consider the arts. Visual arts - decoration of surfaces and bodies - appears to be a human universal.

— Steven Pinker

We make such terrible mistakes with visual choices about beauty.

— Marina Abramovic

Be drawn to the visual arts for it can expand your imagination.

— Barbara Januszkiewicz

We know that children with autism like order, that they are often very visual and that they can be quite literal. They deserve beautiful resources and symbols that make sense. If a picture does not explain visually, it is pointless and the child will stop looking to the pictures for information.

— Adele Devine

A picture is worth a thousand words, but the way I paint I'm going to need to contact an editor. Even if I were to abstractly paint the phrase 'I love you,' it would be the visual equivalent of Joyce's Ulysses.-James Lee Schmidt and Jarod Kintz.

— James Lee Schmidt

Stand-up comics reflect less of a visual humor and more of a commentary.

— Shel Silverstein

Communication is the key, and it's one thing I had to learn-to talk to the actors. I was so involved with the visual and technical aspects that I would forget about the actors.

— Steve Buscemi

Semiotics is a general theory of all existing languages... All forms of communication - visual, tactile, and so on... There is general semiotics, which is a philosophical approach to this field, and then there are many specific semiotics.

— Umberto Eco

After about the first Millennium, Italy was the cradle of Romanesque architecture, which spread throughout Europe, much of it extending the structural daring with minimal visual elaboration.

— Harry Seidler

When I was a little kid, I wanted to be, like, you know, a movie star, you know? Or, I always have interest in movie, you know? Because I like the visual aspect of the movies, et cetera.

— Tommy Wiseau