Cars are empowered by either petrol or diesel or gas. That is their fuel. I don't care whether you want to pour pepper soup or orange juice into that car... It can't work! You can't live without intrinsic and extrinsic motivations and move forward.
— Israelmore AyivorEvery wheel wish to be the wheel of a car, and not of just another vehicle.
— Amit KalantriWinter arrived with December, and the world continued to suffer the loss of the Internet and most forms of communication. Supply chains were disrupted. The only mass form of personal communication was the letter, and postal workers were having their worst year ever, as they were actually meeded. Food was becoming scarcer and more expensive, as was fuel for vehicles and heating. Major cities experienced riots on a regular basis, spurred on by religious fervor and want. Civilization was on the brink of collapse.
— Mark A. RaynerVehicles are one of the best modes of transportation. Relationships are one of the best vehicles of transformation.
— Kate McGahanYou can't take highways during the apocalypse, because they'll be packed with panicky people.
— J. Cornell MichelJacob studied the iron graveyard, where every vehicle was its own gravestone. He drove slowly through, as if he was afraid to wake the dead. That was not it though. The general made it clear that they should fear the living.
— Dean F. Wilson