She ran straight into Leo’s open arms, unable to stop the tears from falling, feeling at last defended, like a single musical note that had finally found the symphony to which it belonged.

— Natasha Lester

Seeking external validation brings disappointment. Validate yourself from within to find true happiness.

— Amy Leigh Mercree

When we accept the labels placed on us by ourselves and others, we then restrict and limit ourselves based on those labels. Break free from them and reclaim your unlimited potential to be your amazing self.

— Nanette Mathews

Discover a deep, healthy love for yourself....Relationships are meant to complement your life not complete it. If you're unable to bring a healthy sense of self-love into them you will always be seeking validation and end up disappointed by your expectations of others.

— Nanette Mathews

Whatever you did today is enough. Whatever you felt today is valid. Whatever you thought today isn't to be judged. Repeat the above each day.

— Brittany Burgunder

All bad behavior is really a request for love, attention, or validation.

— Kimberly Giles

A busy, vibrant, goal-oriented woman is so much more attractive than a woman who waits around for a man to validate her existence.

— Mandy Hale

Then you go ahead and cry, ' Will said. That ended my weeping. Had he asked me not to cry, I would not have been able to stop, but his permission somehow quit my tears.

— Kathleen Grissom

Some teach youwhat can't be taught,by turning their backon you & helpingyou get internallycloser to everythingyou externallysought.

— Curtis Tyrone Jones

The most important progress and success can't be seen. If you can validate yourself internally, then external validation becomes a byproduct.

— Brittany Burgunder