Your choices become your directions the moment you start to implement them. When you make choices and you don’t implement them, your choices may be the best ever, but the most useless.

— Israelmore Ayivor

What is a secret? It is much more than knowledge shared with only a few, or perhaps only one another. It is power. It is a bond. It is a sign of deep trust, or the darkest threat possible. There is power in the keeping of a secret, and power in the revelation of a secret. Sometimes it takes a very wise man to discern which is the path to greater power. All men desirous of power should become collectors of secrets. There is no secret too small to be valuable. All men value their own secrets far above those of others. A scullery maid may be willing to betray a prince before allowing the name of her secret lover to be told.

— Robin Hobb

What is a secret? It is much more than knowledge shared with only a few, or perhaps only one another. It is power. It is a bond. It is a sign of deep trust, or the darkest threat possible.... Be very chary of revealing your hoarded secrets. Many lose all power once they have been divulged. Be even more careful of sharing your secrets lest you find yourself a puppet dancing on someone else's strings.

— Robin Hobb

The world is a place of constant change. If we are open and ready to consider everything while remaining unbiased, we will be ready to accept these changes and utilize them to improve our lives.

— Daniel Willey

One thing that makes aikido is so powerful,it utilizes power of opponents to win the fight.

— Toba Beta

You will not be able to effectively utilize your inherited wealth if you do not work diligently.

— Sunday Adelaja

Embrace the social media and utilize it wisely to promote your brand. When you optimize the social media, you may go offline, but your brand will never go off-track.

— Israelmore Ayivor

For love to eliminate pain is to waste it, for it is love alone that possesses sufficient force to bend pain against everything that would break us.

— Craig D. Lounsbrough