Much of someone's real character lies in what they don't say about themselves.
— Joyce RachellePositive words left unsaid are like sachets of currency notes burnt in vain. Positive deeds left undone are like deep wells filled with soil to the brim. Do the undone, say the unsaid and turn the unturned.
— Israelmore AyivorWho did I think we were.Who did I thinkI could make you.This is the oldest mistake,to confuse wantingwith magic. Silence is the undoingof every spell, and we are expertsin the unsaid. Even now, I forgetto put us in past tense. As ifthe air in this city were the same.As if love is anything like its speaking.
— Marty McConnell Emily Kagan TrenchardListening isn't just about being quiet. It's about listening to what is said, what is unsaid, and what is meant with your eyes, ears and heart.
— Drishti BablaniThere are some people that should stay quiet, because they understand. As there are those that should stay quiet, because they don't understand. Some things are better left unsaid or voiced.
— Anthony LiccioneEverything unsaid can be guessedTruth may not always be confessed.
— Munia KhanThere is more to hear in what is not said.
— Joyce RachelleListening isn't just about being quiet.It's about listening to -What is Said,What is Unsaid,and What is meantWith your Eyes, Ears and Heart.
— WordionsThe things left unsaid to people we care about, and the void those unspoken words leave, often have more impact than what is said.
— Tyler Knight