It is impossible to graduate from the University of Life with no scars.

— Matshona Dhliwayo

My expectations from the university were perhaps too idealistic. I had dreams of learning things about innovation and discovery in the field of technology, but all of it hit the ground hard, when I faced with the pathetic reality of the so-called higher education system. To my surprise, I found myself stuck behind the walls of meaningless facts, figures and rankings. It occurred to me that, it was not actually a place for education, rather it was a place where you go to get your head filled with useless undigested information, that you’d probably never use throughout your entire life. It was not education, and moreover, it was definitely not science.

— Abhijit Naskar

Pain teaches you more than pleasure. Failure teaches you more than success. Poverty teaches you more than prosperity. Adversity teaches you more than comfort.

— Matshona Dhliwayo

I love to teach children science.

— Lailah Gifty Akita

...Come on let’s see the degree.” Katherine unrolled her scroll displaying a long declaration in Latin affixed with a red seal proclaiming her a Master of Art. “Imagine working for years to obtain a piece of paper we can hardly read ” Katherine joked. “And to officially declare you have talent ” Suzy returned.

— E.A. Bucchianeri

We are capable of learning.

— Lailah Gifty Akita

Life gives us experiences for personal development. Appreciate the lessons and be a learner.

— Lailah Gifty Akita

Ah college years, those were the days. Pure freedom ... Leaving home for the first time…the parties…”'What about the tutorials, the lectures, the large building with all the books called the ‘library’?”“Is that what those were?” Gerry blithely replied.

— E.A. Bucchianeri

The last year of her college career was wheeling slowly round. She could see ahead her examination and her departure. She had the ash of disillusion gritting under her teeth. Would the next move turn out the same? Always the shining doorway ahead; and then, upon approach, always the shining doorway was a gate into another ugly yard, dirty and active and dead. Always the crest of the hill gleaming ahead under heaven: and then, from the top of the hill only another sordid valley full of amorphous, squalid activity.

— D.H. Lawrence

How could we love books more than money? This is the state of book lovers.

— Lailah Gifty Akita