Morality he found amusing, in the obscure way that only a man with a Ph.D. In philosophy could find such things amusing, but justice and ethics were inflexible measures, applicable to all, and not to be joked about.
— Charlie HustonRain falls on the just and the unjust alike.
— Thomas C. FosterCulture cannot be a monolithically universal phenomenon without some kind of demonic imposition of one culture over the rest of cultures. Nor is it possible to dream of a universal 'Christian culture' without denying the dialectic between history and eschatology which is so central, among other things, to the eucharist itself. Thus, if there is a transcendence of cultural divisions on a universal level - which indeed must be constantly aimed at by the Church - it can only take place via the local situations expressed in and through the particular local Churches and not through universalistic structures which imply a universal Church.
— John D. ZizioulasBut in some great souls, who consider themselves as citizens of the world, and forcing the imaginary barriers that separate people from people...
— Jean-Jacques RousseauWe can witness collective movements alarmingly influenced by genuine social phobias and affecting the most industrialized and educated societies. Exclusive identities are being asserted, singular affiliations are being stressed, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to recognize the other in the mirror of one´s own quest. Reducing the other to the sole expression of his or her 'difference' is one of the stages of dehumanization; and law alone - let alone the right to equality - cannot suffice to remedy the situation. Here comes the time of the new 'barbarians'.
— Tariq RamadanGazing from the moon, we see one earth, without borders, Mother Earth, her embrace encircling one people, humankind.
— Frederick GlaysherLove is our most basic human value and also our highest potential.
— Kamand KojouriThe essence of diversity is the individual's experience of it. Diversity is about personalised shades of experience emanating from universal colours of humanity, but each person takes from the universal what is relevant to them and alters it by their own interpersonal experience.
— Camila BatmanghelidjhThere were always men who looked beyond the dimensions of their own society- and while they may have been called fools or criminals in their time they are the roster of great men as far as the record of human history is concerned- and visualized something which can be called universally human and which is not identical with what a particular society assumes human nature to be. There were always men who were bold and imaginative enough to see beyond the frontiers of their own existence.
— Erich FrommHistory is a hermaphrodite with many distinguished lovers. We are neither mysteries nor strangers but the living breath of revelation made flesh by the unrestrained desires of a free and universal love. Universal me. Universal you.”--from Past Present and Future are One.
— Aberjhani