Never judge a situation merely with a negative perspective. Look at the positive side too,” he added. “And if you do that, you will eventually feel better.

— Sara Naveed

Poverty is everywhere, Zarish. People should have the courage to get out of the vicious circle of it.

— Sara Naveed

There is nothing right or wrong in love. Where there is love, then there is nothing but only love.

— Sara Naveed

Why did you leave my hand? I’ve never felt so good, she thought. I felt good too, he thought.

— Sara Naveed

What kept you distant from me?” she asked. By now, she had regained enough confidence to start a discussion.“Fear,” he replied.“What kind of fear?” “Fear of facing people’s objections. Fear of putting both of our lives at risk. Fear of exploiting your reputation and mine as well. Fear of beginning a new relationship with you when everybody already knows I am a mentor to you. Fear of…losing you and never having you again in my life.” He struggled with words while speaking the last line.“I love you Ahmar and I would not leave you. Ever.

— Sara Naveed

Don’t you ever cry again, Miss Zarish,” he said in a strict but mild tone. “I would rather die than see tears in your eyes.

— Sara Naveed

I like the change then.” He held her hand again. “Change is inevitable and sometimes it is good.” He smiled.

— Sara Naveed

I don’t want to let you go. Not now. Not ever.” While she said this, tears streamed out of her eyes. “I’m here with you. Always,” he murmured softly against her hair. “I love you, Ahmar. I love you so much,” she whispered.

— Sara Naveed

Well…speaking of rights, every single human on the face of this earth is entitled to achieve the basic education; no matter what religion, caste or race they belong to. I’m really against those people who despise the poor. The less fortunate are also normal people like us. In fact, they are special, as they need proper guidance, affection and attention just like us. We should pay them homage and regards rather than looking down upon them. I’m trying my best to support them as much as I can. In fact I’ve opened an orphanage house along with a friend of mine that I was mentioning about before and we’re providing them with the best possible financial services.” He went on.

— Sara Naveed

Everything is a part of destiny’s plan and I believe true love awaits its destiny.

— Sara Naveed