In the time that we're here today, more women and children will die violently in the Darfur region than in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Israel or Lebanon. So, after September 30, you won't need the UN - you will simply need men with shovels and bleached white linen and headstones.
— George ClooneyIn a society... So madly in love with oxymoron's... Ask yourself this... ...When was the last time you ever bought anything for free?
— Non NomenIf blue helmeted UN peacekeepers show up in your town or village and offer to protect you, run.
— Andrew ThomsonIf the United Nations wants to do something to be remembered forever, I guess that would be freeing people from insanity of religion.
— M.F. MoonzajerWe have a thousand possible, but only one is the target. (Nous avons mille possibles, - Mais un seul est la cible).
— Charles de LeusseThese are all good things, I said. But no one knows where your country is or who you are. You don't have a familiar ethnic cuisine; your diaspora , from what I understand, is mostly in Southern California, three time zones removed from the national media in New York; and you don't have a recognizable, long-simmering conflict like the one between the Israelis and the Palestinians, where people in the richer nations can take sides and argue over at the dinner table. The best you can do is get the United Nations involved, as in East Timor. Maybe they'll send troops.'We don't want the United Nations' Mr. Nanabragov said. 'We don't want Sri Lankan troops patrolling our streets. We're better tan that. We want America.
— Gary ShteyngartAfter the second world warin 1948they founded the UN,the United Nationsso that a crime like the mass-murder ofthe Jewscould never happen again.Now the UN is a flourishing organizationa honourable institution,the only thing is that it doesn't do the thing they founded it for:prevention of mass-murder.
— Ad De BontFailure to recognize the historical specificity of the bourgeois conception of rights and duties leads to serious errors. It is for this reason that Marx registers...A vigorous indictment of the anarchist Proudhon... Proudhon in effect took the specifics of bourgeois legal and economic relations and treated them as universal and foundational for the development of an alternative, socially just economic system. From Marx's standpoint, this is no alternative at all since it merely re-inscribes bourgeois conceptions of value in a supposedly new form of society. This problem is still with us, not only because of the contemporary anarchist revival of interest in Proudhon's ideas but also because of the rise of a more broad-based liberal human rights politics as a supposed antidote to the social and political ills of contemporary capitalism. Marx's critique of Proudhon is directly applicable to this contemporary politics. The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 is a foundational document for a bourgeois, market-based individualism and as such cannot provide a basis for a thoroughgoing critique of liberal or neoliberal capitalism. Whether it is politically useful to insist that the capitalist political order live up to its own foundational principles is one thing, but to imagine that this politics can lead to a radical displacement of a capitalist mode of production is, in Marx's view, a serious error.
— David HarveyThe end of superpower patronage to client movements worldwide created a power vacuum whose inevitable results included the spread of violence and the emergence of disparate groups, ostensibly fighting in the name of ideology, religion or ethnicity, but now seeking their finance through local taxes, plunder and pillage.
— Leon KukkukI always have believed that we should not call it an Arab-Israeli issue or a Palestinian-Arab dispute or a peace negotiation. I think we should call it what it is: an occupation of Palestine, full stop. This is not a popular position in mixed company.
— Talal Abu-Ghazaleh