— Germany KentIf you are on social media, and you are not learning, not laughing, not being inspired or not networking, then you are using it wrong.
— Germany KentI can’t control who follows me, but I can control who I follow.[Social Media].
— Germany KentWhat you post online speaks VOLUME about who you really are. POST with intention. REPOST with caution.
— Germany KentI like the way Twitter makes one be more concise.It looks like someone is saying sometthing wise.
— Ana Claudia AntunesAt the end of the day, we all live in this world together and to practice bringing peace onto social media is a huge step into bringing peace into our world.
— Germany KentSome say Twitter is overrated.Some love it, others hate it.I guess it depends on what you've got,If you have guts to write a funny plot!
— Ana Claudia AntunesThe world needs more love and Twitter just figured out a way to send 'hearts all over the world'.
— Germany KentFreedom of Speech doesn't justify online bullying. Words have power, be careful how you use them.
— Germany KentDon't promote negativity online and expect people to treat you with positivity in person.
— Germany Kent