A good place can always be found in a place you think there is pain.

— Auliq Ice

Success in America comes in over a million flavors... All you have you have to do is try one.

— Johnnie Dent Jr.

Go wide, explore and learn new things. Something will surely have a kick for you.

— Mustafa Saifuddin

When you make the decision to start something new, first figure out the jobs you want to do. Then position yourself to play where no one else is playing.

— Whitney Johnson

The word try, means nothing. There's no such thing as trying to do something. The moment you begin a task, you're doing it. So just finish what you're doing.

— La Tisha Honor

The point is that everyone needs some exposure to the various ways of life. People buy things out of catalogues too much. They see in Time magazine that they're suppose to be feeling in such and such a way, and they dash off a check and buy that life-style sight unseen. A pig in a poke if there ever was one, for once you've bought the thing there's no refund. We ought to be able to try things before we sign up for them. Used to be you could listen to the records in a record store before you bought them. Now they're sealed, for your protection, they say. Bullshit! It's for their goddamned protection, not ours. We don't need to be protected. We need to be allowed to get a taste of something before we accept it.

— Arthur Alexander

Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for your life to begin and start making the most of the moment you are in.

— Germany Kent

If real, regular, normal, boring life, (when you're at home every day, seeing the same people, doing the same things) is like sitting at home on the floor surrounded by toys... Traveling feels to me like going to Toys R Us with your toy box and getting to trade stuff in and buy new things and explore whole new ideas.

— Alex Day

At the very moment when people underestimate you is when you can make a breakthrough.

— Germany Kent

Dont act like you are walking around with a Tshirt that says 'I give Up!' on the front and on the back saying 'I never started trying!'People can bring you down, situations happen, YOU can feel like Life is the shittiest thing to deal with. BLAH BLAH BLAH..If you're walking through Hell, keep going! Everyday there's a new challenge. Face it! Deal with it! Move on! To every problem there is a solution or a way around it.. Stop being a sour mongral and think life owes you something..No one will do anything for you these days. Start fighting. Get rid of ALL the shit people in your Life. Grow some balls of steel and work progressively through everything. Step by Step or what ever mad method you have to get you back in line again.Who cares, if people don't like you, BURN that mother of a bridge down. It was never meant to be.. Build New ones! Many roads to cross and new paths on life to Explore..It starts with YOU.. And if people want to judge you, tell them to F/O and look in the mirror. Time for a new game.. It's called 'Take over the World' WHOOOP WHOOOP!!

— Timothy Padayachee