Those who say traveling is expensive, are just ill-informed.
— Maria AngelovaWherever you travel to, appreciate the culture and beauty of the place.
— Lailah Gifty AkitaI love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts.
— Herman MelvilleIt's not a homeless life for me,It's just that I'm home lessThan others like to be.
— Akilnathan LogeswaranThe thing about traveling alone, is that you run into your insecurities and fears times ten the normal! You run into all the good things and all the bad things about yourself on a daily basis, and are allowed the opportunity to truly become your own friend. Traveling alone is a learning process; some people travel for leisure, I travel to run into myself!
— C. JoyBell C.All of us,' he said, 'have hopes of being poet, artist, discoverer, philospoher, scientist; of possessing the attributes of all these simultaneously. Few are permitted to achieve any of them in daily life. But in travel we attain them all. Then we have our day of glory, when all our dreams come true, when we can be anything we like, as long as we like, and, when we are tired of it, pull up stakes and move on. Travel -- the solitude of the mountains, the emptiness of the desert, the delicacy of the minaret; eternal change, limitless contrast, unending variety.' (Eric Lang).
— Robert Edison Fulton Jr.Many CastlesOn My Travels I have been A guest in Many castles Yet the Monument Which I Find Divine Is the oasis Where the heart And the silence Intertwine.”~silent lotus.
— silent lotusOne travels more usefully when alone, because he reflects more.
— Thomas JeffersonShe sat still, I thought, and yet she traveled. And when one stitches, the mind travels, not the way men do, with ax and oxen through the wilderness, but surely our traveling counted too, as motion. And I thought of the patience of the stitches. Writing a book, I thought, which men often do, but women only rarely, has the posture of sewing. One hand leads, and the other hand helps. And books, like quilts, are made, one word at a time, one stitch at a time.
— Sena Jeter NaslundCaptain Harald Biscay rubbed his graying temples, staring deep in thought at the vast star field showing on the large navigation display on the bridge. It had been a pretty rough few days for him. Of all the things he’d seen in his travels through the universe, not many rated worthy of being remembered. Of the few examples of items Captain Biscay rated that highly, when he was a young man, his uncle would often play the bagpipes at strange hours of the night – shortly before being put in a ‘home’. That rated a mention.
— Christina Engela