The modern cheap and fertile press, with all its translations, has done little to bring us nearer to the heroic writers of antiquity.

— Henry David Thoreau

All translations are made up' opined Vikram, 'Languages are different for a reason. You can't move ideas between them without losing something.

— G. Willow Wilson

I love these words that just can't be translated from language to language. They seem dignified, grounded, battling against the imperialism of reality.

— Olivier Magny

Had I known that coffee could taste so good, I would have gotten drunk on it every day.

— Rabih Alameddine

Translating from #cat is easy - you just ignore everything, then you decide what you want it to have said, thought, or wanted.

— Will Advise

There were no oceans on Oasis, no large bodies of water, and presumably no fish. He wondered whether this would cause comprehension problems when it came to certain crucial fish-related Bible stories. There were so many of those: Jonah and the whale, the miracle of the loaves and the fishes, the Galilean disciples being fishermen, the whole ‘fishers of men’ analogy . . . The bit in Matthew 13 about the kingdom of heaven being like a net cast into the sea, gathering fish of every kind . . . Even in the opening chapter of Genesis, the first animals God made were sea creatures. How much of the Bible would he have to give up as untranslatable?

— Michel Faber

Never trust the translation or interpretation of something without first trusting its interpreter.

— Suzy Kassem