For every transaction, there is someone willing to buy and someone willing to sell at an agreed price, both believing that it's good value and that the counterparty is a little crazy.
— Coreen T. SolThe business of lying is transacted in the abode of the gullible.
— Michael Bassey JohnsonBusiness should never be merely transactional -it should be transformational.
— Rasheed OgunlaruHow quickly people can forget you, until they want something from u' and when they are done with you, you are not even a stranger but an invisible person who doesn't even exist.
— honeyaAbstraction automatically gives rise to optimized solutions within the universal set of all possible solutions, as has been shown in this book. It is these optimized solutions that make up and drive the non-abstract parts of the world, while the non-optimized solutions remain ‘hidden’ from the material world, inside the abstract world.Starting from a basis of no postulation, we build our theory. As we go on piling up possibilities, we come to a similar basis for understanding the four non-contact forces of nature known till date. The difference in ranges of these forces is explained from this basis in this book. Zero postulation or abstraction as the basis of theory synthesis allows us to explore even imaginary and chaotic non-favoured solutions as possibilities. With no postulation as the fundamental basis, we are thus able to pile up postulated results or favoured results, but not the other way round. We keep describing such implications of abstraction in this book. We deal with the abstraction of observable parameters involved in a given system.
— Subhajit GangulyWe never realize the power of real love unless we witness or experience a transaction, because real love costs.
— Eric Samuel TimmOnly love that continues to flow in the face of anger, blame, and indifference can be called love. All else is simply a transaction.
— Vironika TugalevaAccording to the prophecy a child was going to come along that would be part human and part robot and this child was going to change everything. Of course it was way too soon – both sides were totally unprepared, not to mention the fact that they had their parts mixed up. The girls were only interested in romance, and the robots in completing a transaction.
— Kathryn DavisThere are misplaced expectations, once you recognize those, you are only left with smart ones. To 'expect yourself' to expect nothing (from others) is going against human psychology. Expectation is the root of all valid transactions and fulfillment.
— Ashlecka Aumrivani