It is usually unbearably painful to read a book by an author who knows way less than you do, unless the book is a novel.

— Mokokoma Mokhonoana

People with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) have the unfortunate choice of suffering Radio Frequency (RF) sickness without electromagnetically screening their homes or to get natural radiation deficiency sickness with the RF protective screening installed, the choice is which sickness is the most tolerable. It is a really bad situation to be in.

— Steven Magee

An arrogant man whose arrogance we see from his own behaviour is more tolerable than a humble man whose humility we hear of from his own mouth.

— Mokokoma Mokhonoana

The uncertainty wore on him. The conditions in jail--the handcuffs, the noise, the filth, the crowding--mangled his senses. It's likely that, if one must be incarcerated in the United States, a jail in central Maine would be among the more tolerable spots, but to Knight it was torture. 'Bedlam' is how he referred to the place. It never got dark in jail; at eleven p.M., the lights merely became a little duller. 'I suspect,' he noted, 'more damage has been done to my sanity in jail, in months; than years, decades, in the woods.

— Michael Finkel

Unrequited love is a billion times less intolerable than unrequited hate.

— Mokokoma Mokhonoana