O, weary angels, don’t look at me with those eyes.If that is your state then what of our cries?What can I tell you of goodness that you don’t already know?What can I tell you of faith,of hope and lovethat you yourselves bestow?O, angels, don’t pluck another feather,this isn’t the sky, it’s just the weather.Please, angels, try.We are one all together.Look up and listen, I’ll say it once and then put down my pen:We are sorry for our ignoranceand even though we are worldly,it might happen again.We are sorry for your wearinessand even though you aren’t worldly,we are no more than human.
— Kamand KojouriTo a misogynist: To err is woman.
— Mokokoma MokhonoanaOne of the best roads to self-improvement is acceptance of personal mistakes and correcting them as soon as possible.
— Israelmore Ayivor