And what, O Queen, are those things that are dear to a man? Are they not bubbles? Is not ambition but an endless ladder by which no height is ever climbed till the last unreachable rung is mounted? For height leads on to height, and there is not resting-place among them, and rung doth grow upon rung, and there is no limit to the number.

— H. Rider Haggard

If You See Things As It Is, You Will Never Know What It Is.

— Syed Sharukh

The only deadly disease I have seen that is causing great harm and massacre latently yet the world has ignored is ignorance!

— Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

My voice is never much louder than a ripple, but even small voices sound loud when you talk about things that matter.

— Natalie Lloyd

You may be biggest coward & looser of the world if you can't even ask for the things that you need the MOST & want it anyway.

— Ridhdhesh Jivawala

Why try to have pigs flyWhen ducks already can.

— Ella C.

When you care about things, it ends up wearing you out.

— Io Sakisaka

When a man is at peace he is a man, when angry he is an animal.

— Amit Kalantri

When you are angry try your best to go to sleep, it keeps you away from speaking, writing and thinking while you are angry.

— Amit Kalantri

Write as much as you can. Read as much as you can. Use the library and the internet carefully for research and talk to people about things that matter. If you have an idea in your head talk it to people as a normal conversation, to get their natural opinions. And don’t forget to jot down discreetly any new ideas you get from people. God may use other people to convey messages to you, that may add more information to the ideas you already have.

— Enock Maregesi