Explore those things you do that are satisfying.

— Sunday Adelaja

Love people. Use things. The opposite never works.

— The Minimalists

One of the things about football is, it's a relationship business.

— Peyton Manning

Everything is language.

— Octavio Paz

The only things Mick and I disagree about is the band, the music and what we do.

— Keith Richards

I had too many things to say, and too small a brain to sort them out with.

— Hugh Laurie

It does not take much strength to do things, but it requires great strength to decide on what to do.

— Elbert Hubbard

Sometimes we have to wait for years to seek a really exceptional thing. I always wanted to give you the best thing in the world but ...

— Anuradha Bhattacharyya

Some things look negative while in reality God’s glory is been manifested.

— Sunday Adelaja

Any thing or behavior too complex to understand becomes a phenomenon that could be termed spiritual or magical.

— Bryant McGill