I tell myself that this is okay, but I realize that I don’t have to. This is what I want. Him. Me. Closer.

— Nikki Rae

Love doesn’t exist, you see. It’s just another shadowy figure that goes bump in the night.

— Nikki Rae

Some monsters disguise themselves so well you don’t realize that they’re monsters until it’s too late. You check all of the usual places: under the bed, in the closet, behind the shower curtain, around that suspicious, dark corner of your room. No, some monsters don’t look like monsters at all. But they are, have been, and always will be there.

— Nikki Rae

Monsters can live inside a person. Sometimes, they know about it. More often, they don’t. The monster makes them feel safe, or at the very least, better. As long as you know it’s there, you can co-exist with it. Give it what it wants, and it will return the favor. Other times, the monster takes over.Bares its teeth.

— Nikki Rae

Monsters never truly go away. They claw their way to the surface again eventually.

— Nikki Rae

Love is a monster.

— Nikki Rae