So that's the telephone? They ring, and you run.

— Edgar Degas

The difference between technology and slavery is that slaves are fully aware that they are not free.

— Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Better world's when we change by simulating the technology NOT the Homo sapiens.

— binarybijay

Every social association that is not face-to-face is injurious to your health.

— Nassim Nicholas Taleb

We live during a time in which some shoppers shiver all Thanksgiving night only to trample one another to death in a sunrise race through the electronics store to buy gaming consoles that allow them to create avatars of themselves.

— Joe Dilley

Here though, there are no oppressors. No one's forcing you to do this. You willingly tie yourself to these leashes. And you willingly become utterly socially autistic. You no longer pick up on basic human communication clues. You're at a table with three humans, all of whom are looking at you and trying to talk to you, and you're staring at a screen! Searching for strangers in... Dubai!

— Dave Eggers

It was one thing to use computers as a tool, quite another to let them do your thinking for you.

— Tom Clancy

It is not necessary to conceal anything from a public insensible to contradiction and narcotized by technological diversions.

— Neil Postman

He pulled the truck onto the shoulder of the road and parked, cell phone tight in one hand, his eyes on the landscape before him. From here he could see the foothills rippling out like a blanket from the ragged edge of the mountains. They spread in loose folds until becoming the flat expanse of prairie that crossed all the way to the Great Lakes. July's bounty was a brash flare of colour: wind combed through golden tracts of wheat and sun-bright canola so brilliant he had to squint.The truck was balanced along the edge of an invisible wall which blocked Waterton from the rest of the world. He hadn't thought about how very real that barrier was; now that his phone was reconnected, it felt like a physical presence. He wasn't quite sure what he'd find on the other side.

— Danika Stone

The latest technologies are often sexy, but beware of solutions that vendors dress up like trollops, unless you're looking for a one-night stand.

— Stephen Few