Someone who smiles too much with you can sometime frown too much with you at your back.
— Michael Bassey JohnsonPardon me for budging into concoction of the aristocrats blowing their trumpets, the demagogues' doctrines, the antagonists' squeals, the hypocrites' assertions, the sycophants fawning adoration, the facebookers' slants, the youthful sneers, the pragmatic notions n of course some acquiescent aspirants....This facebook page is so bombarded by myriad posts....Maddening to read n like all.....So here's wishing each one of the revered contestants all the best.....May the deserving win.....
— Mukesh KwatraThe number of your antagonists are far more greater than that of your companions, so you have to keep a stone of awareness to mark the boundary line.
— Michael Bassey JohnsonHistory is replete with blunders written by sycophants.
— Tomichan MatheikalNothing can save you from hate, empty all your treasures and give it to people and one out of the multitudes will curse you, so live your life to please yourself and not others.
— Michael Bassey JohnsonBuy a gift for a dog, and you'll be amazed at the way it will dance and swerve its tail, but if don't have anything to offer to it, it won't even recognize your arrival; such are the attributes of fake friends.
— Michael Bassey JohnsonHaving a relationship with people of questionable character is like playing with a razor blade on your skin, and pretending to observe that it is harmful to your body.
— Michael Bassey JohnsonWhen things are like hunky dory, every enemy comes in the name of friend, but when things are twisted like turmoil, every friendly enemy shows you their colour.
— Michael Bassey JohnsonWhen you favour a woman, she will want to return the favour in so many means, but its better to rupidiate such offerings.
— Michael Bassey Johnson