Once you are in power, never forget those who put you there. Deal with those who think they can do better than you and those who think you are god's representative on earth. Deal with each other according to his actions.
— Bangambiki HabyarimanaThe Golden Mean is for the weakling, it was not meant for the likes of Alexander the Great, Cyrus, Pharaohs, or Hitlers of the world.
— Bangambiki HabyarimanaIn the memories we Survive.
— Tushar SaxenaIt's unfortunate to be bitten by political ambition. The deadly disease causes a man to want to access power by all means either by sacrificing others to its altar or by sacrificing himself when he fails.
— Bangambiki HabyarimanaThey only let us live in millions for the sake of the economy. I don't know what will happen by the time they figure out how to run the economy without the people.
— Bangambiki HabyarimanaPoliticians know it's a game of power, every politician at every level, even in the common of mortals.
— Bangambiki HabyarimanaAll of the wars in the world are fueled by power struggles either at individual, national or international levels.
— Bangambiki HabyarimanaIf you are my food, how am I supposed to feel pity towards you? That would mean starvation for me. “A hungry leopard told a fallen, panting, imploring gazelle.
— Bangambiki HabyarimanaLife is politics, you do it or it does you.
— Bangambiki HabyarimanaIn politics what you see is not what you get.
— Bangambiki Habyarimana