Surround yourself with those conducive to you being your highest self.
— A.D. PoseyFear no more as long as her memory surrounds you like a ghost…cry no more as long as she weeps for you like a willow.
— Munia KhanSurround yourself with people that want more out of life. That won’t settle for average. People that you can connect with on a deeper level. Keep your circle fresh. Keep your circle full of quality rather than quantity. Full of cool ass humans that you can be yourself around. People that fill you up with nothing but love. People that want to see you succeed. People that GET IT. Good circle, good life!
— Genereux PhilipTo remain far-sighted, you need to surround yourselfwith far-sighted visionaries. You need to surround yourself with people who think like you. You needto surround yourself with people who speak the same language as you. You need to surround yourself with people who fight and refuse to give up on theirdestiny. You need to surround yourself with people whose testimonies give you reasons to press on.
— D.S. MashegoWhen you surround yourself with dramatic people, your life will be full of drama.
— Gugu MonaAlways work with/surround yourself with people who help make you a better version of you. Kindly avoid those who don't.
— Don RoffYea... It's impossible to lead with true virtues if you surround yourself with praise singers... People who do not cheer you up, instead of cheering up your dreams!
— Israelmore AyivorTo remain far-sighted, you need to surround yourselfwith far-sighted visionaries. You need to surroundyourself with people who think like you. You needto surround yourself with people who speak the same language as you. You need to surround yourselfwith people who fight and refuse to give up on theirdestiny. You need to surround yourself with people whose testimonies give you reasons to press on.
— D.S. MashegoYou are surrounded by endless possibilities with your potential being the sum total of your beliefs.
— Steven RedheadHaving the strength to pull yourself away from the toxicity and surrounding yourself with all the nourishing things you need to grow is a huge accomplishment. Although not everybody has supporting family and friends in this new world of ours, but that doesn't mean you should give up, there is a whole world out there full of great people willing to help you succeed you just have to learn how to surround yourself with them and appreciate them, not use them for your own selfishness. And then my friend you have learned a life lesson <3 <3 <3.
— Bonnie Zackson Koury