The fact that you have a large sum of money in your wallet does not remove your responsibility from you before God to be involved in a ministry in the body of Christ.

— Sunday Adelaja

Even when they're not causing injury, human-controlled cars are often driven inefficiently, ineptly, antisocially, or in other ways additive to the sum of human misery.

— Tom Chatfield

History is the sum total of things that could have been avoided.

— Konrad Adenauer

The algebraic sum of all the transformations occurring in a cyclical process can only be positive, or, as an extreme case, equal to no.

— Rudolf Clausius

Someone. Everyone. Anyone. No-one. One. One can't be everyone, but there isn't more than one everyone, at the same time. And at the same time no-one can't be someone, but anyone can be one, and also anyone can be a no-one. To sum up - everyone is someone, and any-one becomes a no-one if you divide the one part long enough by every part of every-one, so in conclusion, I have no idea what I’m talking about, basically.

— Will Advise

Success is the sum of details.

— Harvey S. Firestone

Life is a series of collisions with the future; it is not the sum of what we have been, but what we yearn to be.

— Jose Ortega y Gasset

Dream × Vision × Time(sacrifices) × Work(persistence) = SuccessIf you miss any of them, remember any sum/number multiplied by zero is = 0Like·Comment·Share.

— Unarine Ramaru

The Lord's prayer contains the sum total of religion and morals.

— Arthur Wellesley

As the world continually multiplies, are we in a generation where people are divided, or people are equal?

— Anthony Liccione