Having difficult times and grief and brokenness, does not mean that life is over. These are just bumps in the road, obstacles to be overcome and made stepping stones into a long successful life.

— Teresa St. Frances

The source for any mental trauma is never other person, but its your own MIND psyching YOU into believing that you're vulnerable at first, thereby gradually increasing the intensity of suffering as it justifies through illusionary reasons - all thanks to the unconscious recess, as falsity forms is very foundation with fabrication as prime drivers, thus pushing one into a life-negative state with violent mood swings followed by depression and suicidal tendencies! Beware of your MIND, for it's not YOU!

— Ramana Pemmaraju

The source for any mental trauma is never the other person, but its your own MIND psyching YOU into believing that you're vulnerable at first, thereby gradually increasing the intensity of suffering as it justifies through illusionary reasons as falsity forms its very foundation with fabrication as prime element - all thanks to the unconscious recess, thus driving one into a life-negative state with violent mood swings followed by depression and onset of suicidal tendencies! Beware of your MIND, for it's not YOU!

— Ramana Pemmaraju

Just because your heart is beating, doesn't mean you're alive.

— Brittany Burgunder

One HELLO? Can change a life.One HELLO? Can save a life.

— Liza M. Wiemer

People always seem so shock and horrified when they find out some one committed suicide. They then always ask the “How?” What I want is not the “How?” But the “Why?” And maybe then, we can prevent it.

— Kumoriko

The lessons learned, then, in Robinson's case: 'Additional training is required to inform soldiers of the dangers of self-medicating along with the associated risk of overdosing' is the first. 'Encourage the use of a battle buddy among warriors' is the second. 'Increase suicide prevention classes' is the third. 'Increase communication to twice a day with high-risk soldiers' is the fourth. 'Continue improvements in leader communication' is the fifth. And that's that. Eight months. Five minutes. The army moves on to the next suicide. Case forever closed.

— David Finkel

If your heart is still beating, God is not done with you yet.

— Dillon Burroughs