Dear God, I don’t ask for fame and fortune but for an opportunity to embrace many. I don’t ask you to make my life perfect but full of love. With every mistake I make, or with any success I have, I ask to feel your grace along the way, for the rest of my life. In Jesus’s name, amen.

— Ron Baratono

There was once a man who went on a journey to correct his regrets, He tried everything he could. At the end of his journey he realized that no matter how hard he tries, the door of miracles will never opened for him. That is why he thought, instead of regretting about the past what's more important now is to change the present for the future.

— Marlon Amparo

A positive attitude influences our behavior and dictates a successful approach.

— Brian Michael Good

The most difficult adversary I have ever faced happens to look just like me.

— Johnnie Dent Jr.

The eternal struggle between failure and fortune is a fight not between mortal enemies but sparring partners. So fortune is improved by failure, and the reverse is also true.

— Agona Apell

The best among us are not more gifted than the rest. They just take small steps each day as they march towards their biggest life.

— Robin S. Sharma

Making many mistakesDoesn't make you a failureIt makes you become more successful.

— K-Girl

The power of a successful salesman is not putting his hand in the customer's pocket to pull his money out. But rather manipulate the customer's mind to let him put his hand and happily pull the money and give it to you.

— Hisham Fawzi

A successful business requires one simple thing: PASSION.

— Teresa Collins

From the sadness, learn something; from the happiness, learn something. From the setback, learn something and even from the success learn something. Never stop learning from any situation in life, for that is where the wisdom lies.

— Gift Gugu Mona