Become your own success story, not someone else's.
— Stephen RichardsLeave no 'full stop' in between the sentences that make up your life story. If anything, let 'commas' show that when you were brought down by challenges, you rose up with passion and moved on again!
— Israelmore AyivorUpnext' is your success... But before that, remember 'up there' is your God who requires from you to be 'upright' to fulfill your destiny! Be 'up' and keep going!
— Israelmore AyivorDon’t just exist; do something meaningful with your life. Discover a problem and fix it.Don’t just fit in; make it a point to brighten your corner. Decide to resolve your challenges. Don’t just manage; go extra mile and win your race. Never give up the fight. You will win.Don’t just be able; always make sure you are available. Be present to make a change.Don’t just be alive; once you have arrived, find the reason why and make that reason accomplished.Don’t just wish; be passionate about what you wish to see happen. Rise up and make it happen.Don’t just create; create to change; change to improve; improve to increase. Aspire to inspire.Don’t just be making a living; make a life and leave an indelible footstep wherever you step.I want to meet you and many others on the top. Don’t be left out!
— Israelmore AyivorThe ink in the pen that writes success stories is 'FOCUS'...
— Israelmore AyivorYour doubts do nothing than pouring cold water on your enviable dreams. Just keep doubts away from you and you will not dilute your success story!
— Israelmore AyivorWhen all your efforts are channeled through a common canal for progress, no condition can alter a single sentence of your success story! Dream it; Drive it; Be in focus!
— Israelmore Ayivor