Deadlines and daily dilemmas are stressful focus on solutions problems concerns don't sweat make best out of the moment.

— Kishore Bansal

Stress is equivalent to weapons of mass destruction armed for wrong reasons. The difference is that, it is less costly as compared to the atomic bombs! However, it destroys faster!

— Israelmore Ayivor

The modern man is usually in a hurry to get to a destination from which he will sooner or later suffer from and at times complain about boredom.

— Mokokoma Mokhonoana

There is no such thing as a stress-free life. No evidence has ever been presented which suggests that a stress-free life can ever be achieved. Stress can be managed, relieved and lessened, but never eliminated.

— Gudjon Bergmann

Police officers are poorly paid for a very stressful job that has them in very high powered radio frequency (RF) fields and in a daily environment that may result in them being assaulted, maimed or killed.

— Steven Magee

Don’t cluster too much plans to do within a relatively minimum time. As beginner, you must not cut your coat according to your elder brother’s size. Know your limit.

— Israelmore Ayivor

The state of convenience lies in the hands of proper planning. When you know this, you will become a good planner; and when you become a good planner, you save your life from stress!

— Israelmore Ayivor

Fear of a bully, fear of a volcano; the power within you does not distinguish. It does not recognize degree.

— N.K. Jemisin

A person can hurry through or sleep walk through life, but whenever they stop to catch their breath or awaken from a long nap, they will find apprehension, disquiet, and fretfulness waiting their directed attention.

— Kilroy J. Oldster

Most of us feel isolated and paranoid during stressful times. We feel alone in the wilderness.

— Patricia Cornwell