Because the sad fact is that the Enron Corporation and others manipulated with unfortunately great effect the energy market in the West Coast starting in 2000.

— Jay Inslee

Some people say they have 20 years experience, when in reality, they have 1 year's experience repeated 20 times. (Stephen M R Covey to Richie Norton when Norton asked if he was too young to train older executives for Covey.).

— Richie Norton

At the age of 46 I was starting to see the appearance of rainbow halos and starbursts around bright nighttime lights, problems reading small print, focusing issues with my eyes, and image recognition issues. I had been exposed to bright high powered 20 watt scattered sodium LASER light a decade earlier in very high altitude astronomy.

— Steven Magee

Its been enough enjoying now, let's begin achieving.

— Amit Kalantri

Work on.' Work as if every time you started with and every time you finish.

— Leopold von Sacher-Masoch

The beginning is always NOW.

— Roy T. Bennett

If I must start somewhere, right here and now is the best place imaginable.

— Richelle E. Goodrich

I write seven days a week, starting at 4 o'clock in the morning, including Christmas.

— Dan Brown

Companies such as Microsoft, Cisco and Intel were just starting at their 10-year anniversary.

— Jerry Yang

Gavin's Law: Live to start. Start to live.

— Richie Norton