When reality hurts, make sure to soar above the dream-stained sky!

— Munia Khan

Negative people will always be there to stain your pure image with their dirty tongues and brushes, but you'll always remain as white as snow, no matter how high the quality of paint they use.

— Michael Bassey Johnson

I cannot believe the path to victory lies in staining our souls so black we become indistinguishable from those we fight.

— Anthony Ryan

The stains could be seen only in the sunlight, so Ruth was never really aware of them until later, when she would stop at an outdoor cafe for a cup of coffee, and look down at her skirt and see the dark traces of spilled vodka or whiskey. The alcohol had the effect of making the black cloth blacker. This amused her; she had noted in her journal: 'booze affects material as it does people'.

— Alice Sebold

Words are things. You must be careful, careful about calling people out of their names, using racial pejoratives and sexual pejoratives and all that ignorance. Don’t do that. Some day we’ll be able to measure the power of words. I think they are things. They get on the walls. They get in your wallpaper. They get in your rugs, in your upholstery, and your clothes, and finally in to you.

— Maya Angelou

Sometimes you try to fly and you fall. Remember your falls are not fatal, they're just a little painful. Endure the pain, clean the blood stain, you'll surely gain! Get up and fly again!

— Israelmore Ayivor

This assignment could damn well project all the words across my face and the ink stain my hands a gory mess before I finished it.

— Jazz Feylynn

Only tears can hear the sound of pain when warm blood reddens discolored stain.

— Munia Khan