I wrote too many poems in a language I did not yet know how to speak.

— Andrea Gibson

The trouble with poetry is it's often written to the sound of a drum only the poet may hear; nonetheless, blessed are those poets who always manage to find unshakeable pleasure in their own works.

— Criss Jami

I knew that my trauma, no matter what it was, was not unique. I knew that pain was the universal driving force of so many people—I knew that only in the details was it specific, and I just found it urgent to cut right to the chase and get right to the point.

— Lydia Lunch

The spoken word is ephemeral. The written word, eternal. A symphony, timeless.

— A.E. Samaan

A man's words reveal, first, the man. The words are not the man, and yet they reveal him faithfully and are to be identified with him. Out of the abundance of the heart, the man speaks. The foundational nature of all language is therefore metaphorical because every word a man speaks reveals himself—just as God reveals Himself through the Word. Every word spoken ultimately reveals the speaker.

— N.D. Wilson

Who did I think we were.Who did I thinkI could make you.This is the oldest mistake,to confuse wantingwith magic. Silence is the undoingof every spell, and we are expertsin the unsaid. Even now, I forgetto put us in past tense. As ifthe air in this city were the same.As if love is anything like its speaking.

— Marty McConnell Emily Kagan Trenchard

Things spoken in love always become reality.

— Amy Neftzger

It is time to put down the pen; time to clear the throat. Speaking is a different thing altogether from writing. The spoken word has different properties, and different powers. If I have learned anything from writing down my own tale, it is this.

— Dexter Palmer

A good writer is also an avid reader. A good reader is also a vivid dreamer. A good dreamer is also a good learner. And a good learner is definitely a good listener. A good listener is always looking to what the heart speaks. A spoken heart talks directly to a silent soul. And a silent soul is most of the time in pace with a peaceful thought. A peaceful thought is also a good writer...

— Ana Claudia Antunes

You may use a thousand words for a single lie, but the  truth has no twin.

— Michael Bassey Johnson