There is no envy, jealousy, or hatred between the different colors of the rainbow. And no fear either. Because each one exists to make the others’ love more beautiful.
— AberjhaniMany Americans first fell in love with the poetry of the thirteenth century teacher and spiritual leader Jelalludin Rumi during the early 1990s when the unparalleled lyrical grace, philosophical brilliance, and spiritual daring of his work took modern Western readers completely by surprise. The impact of its soulful beauty and the depth of its profound humanity were so intense that they reportedly prompted numerous individuals to spontaneously compose poetry.
— AberjhaniThe acknowledgement of a single possibility can change everything.
— AberjhaniThe greater puzzle of universal wisdom and beauty that we have strived to honor through our work includes the profound legacies of world artistic and spiritual traditions, the innate integrity of human communities where people seek to live in social harmony, and that regenerative stream of life sustained upon the earth itself as it spins through the cosmos to the music of the spheres.
— Luther E. VannCompassion crowns the soul with its truest victory.
— AberjhaniThere is within the human heart a quality of intelligence which has been known to surpass that attributed to the human mind.
— AberjhaniIf the idea of loving those whom you have been taught to recognize as your enemies is too overwhelming, consider more deeply the observation that we are all much more alike than we are unalike.
— AberjhaniIndividual cultures and ideologies have their appropriate uses but none of them erase or replace the universal experiences, like love and weeping and laughter, common to all human beings.
— AberjhaniYou were born a child of light’s wonderful secret— you return to the beauty you have always been.
— AberjhaniThe Universe said, ‘Let me show your soul something beautiful.
— Aberjhani