When a “runner” runs, they run. But in time the “runner” finds themselves in a no-brain situation. They are faced with the choice of living in pain from the separation from the twin soul, or returning and facing that deep love, working through their fears (often unfounded) of possible rejection and reaching their own personal Eden.
— Chimnese DavidsSpiritual love is when you see new faces as the oldest.
— Michael Bassey JohnsonThis world’s anguish is no different from the love we insist on holding back.
— AberjhaniSomewhere along the way, there develops within the soul a yearning that can no longer be ignored, a craving for the great love affair. We feel it drawing ever closer. It is the greatest of them all. It cannot fail. It is all consuming. It is incomparable. It is the love affair with our own true nature and the source from which it comes. The desire is in all of us but, more often than not, it is ignored for other interests. We wrestle with each interest, trying to make it work, growing with each adventure until the light has grown bright enough for us to reach for it.
— Donna GoddardIt is not possible to be seduced by the lure of ego-gratification or intimidated by the tyranny of imposters when we know that we are as the angels. We are loved beyond comprehension. So, we must claim our rightful inheritance and live with the confidence of protection.
— Donna GoddardTrue spiritual love is not a feeble imitation and anticipation of death, but a triumph over death, not a separation of the immortal form from the mortal, of the eternal from the temporal, but a transfiguration of the mortal into the immortal, the acceptance of the temporal into the eternal. False spirituality is a denial of the flesh; true spirituality is the regeneration of the flesh, its salvation, its resurrection from the dead.
— Vladimir Sergeyevich SolovyovDo we find ourself or does our self get demolished?
— Donna GoddardYou know that it's a spiritual connection when you look in someone's eyes, and instead of seeing them you start seeing yourself. This then creates a magnetic overpowering connection that you just cannot resist.
— Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana