To Influence Every Sphere Of Society Is To Engage The Power Of The Gospel.
— Sunday AdelajaEveryone has his sphere of influence or territory in a society, which is a place where he is called to bring God’s presence.
— Sunday AdelajaIt is the responsibility of each new generation to restore the authority of God in every sphere of life.
— Sunday AdelajaLeave women to find their sphere.
— Lucy StoneThe Earth is cylindrical, three times as wide as it is deep, and only the upper part is inhabited. But this Earth is isolated in space, and the sky is a complete sphere in the center of which is located, unsupported, our cylinder, the Earth, situated at an equal distance from all the points of the sky.
— AnaximanderThe greatest goal is to be a God-carrier in your sphere of life.
— Sunday AdelajaA hidden spark of the dream sleeps In the forest and waits In the celestial spheres of the brain.
— Dejan StojanovicDedication to God will make you like a magnet in your sphere of influence.
— Sunday AdelajaAll spheres of life in society are mission fields. They are the “Promised Land” where the Lordwill lead us to.
— Sunday AdelajaIncreasing knowledge lessens the sphere of the supernatural.
— Edvard Westermarck