A successful person's life is made up of a time when he gets out of bed, and a time he goes to bed; and in-between them is filled up with a time that he makes sure something definitely happened!

— Israelmore Ayivor

Create time for yourself... There are 24 hours in a day... Outline the number to spend on your dreams every day!

— Israelmore Ayivor

Smartass Disciple: Master, we should not spend our time to low life like them.Master of Stupidity: If I don’t, then how should I lead men like you to be wiser?

— Toba Beta

So much of personal development and growth comes down to the decisions you make when you hit a wall. Do you spend your time feeling bad for yourself, or do you invest your time in continuing to build toward your dreams?

— Andrea Goeglein

Plan the number of hours each day you’ll spend on your dreams, the kind of people you’ll love to connect with, the amount of capital you’ll want to invest and the sources of help you are required to get. Make a plan.

— Israelmore Ayivor

Better spend time working hard to maintain your good habits because you may look for time to recover it but to no avail!

— Israelmore Ayivor