COMPASSIONThe religion of atheists.

— Kamil Ali

SINK OR SWIM ALERTFolks with low self-esteem will push you under to save their drowning egosKamil Ali.

— Kamil Ali

GENESG raft of yourselfE endowmentN ew generationE volutionS urvival Kamil Ali.

— Kamil Ali

ADVERSE REVERSEAdvanced technology has regressed us into warmongering apes with superior weaponsKamil Ali.

— Kamil Ali

SHOCK ABSORBERSVeterans scream in their dreams, reliving nightmares so that we can sleep peacefully.

— Kamil Ali

I LOVE YOUDon't just 'think' it. Say it before it's too late - The burden of regret is a heavy cross to bear.

— Kamil Ali

IMPERCEPTIBLE IMPELLENTGod exists in the heart, not in the show of religious alignment.

— Kamil Ali

CHARADE PARADEA 'Special Day' once a year creates an excuse for neglect on the other 365 days for mothers, fathers & veterans.

— Kamil Ali

WoMAN-ipulate or IMAGE-innateDid GOD create MAN in his own image? ORDid MAN create GOD in his own image?

— Kamil Ali

PROPAGANDA (PROP-A-GANDER)An evil grin behind a smiling clown's maskKamil Ali.

— Kamil Ali