Music is a writer's heartbeat.
— A.D. PoseyI'm a peasantI'm the muzhikA pest you're destined to play the musicAnd yes it's pleasant to say it's beauty I'mIndebted to rest respecting it truly.
— Criss JamiPeople listening to songs are like people reading novels: for a few minutes, for a few hours, someone else gets to come in and hijack that part of your brain that's always thinking. A good book or song kidnaps your interior voice and does all the driving. With the artist in charge you're free for a little while to leave your body and be someone else.
— Douglas CouplandThe shadow of a character is defined by its maker...While a heroine is personified by its actions and relatability. So writers can create a world with a heroine that has impact and finish with everessence lights at the dims of its shadows.
— Raquelle StepneyIt isn't 'Too late now', shouldn't it be 'From now on'? That is the password that will take away the regret.
— Matsushita YuyaAnna's voice wasn't a beautiful voice - rough edged and sorrowful, a bit used, somehow male and female at once. Yet it had more vibrancy to it than most Danish voices, which were often thin and white and too pretty to trigger a shiver. Anna's voice had the heat of the south; it warmed Einar, as if her throat were read with coals.
— David EbershoffSongs can be like photos - they hold a memory, a moment, and thoughts that keep you warm inside.
— Judy MooreSo you write to our congressmenWith bleeding pensOf the sorrow withinAnd in return they just sendTickets to the latest Tom Hanks show.
— JewelA good song should life your heart, warm the soul and make you feel good.
— Colbie CaillatI suspect that I’m not alone when it comes to altering my surroundings depending on how I feel at any particular moment: diving into a specific book, immersing inside a particular movie, devouring certain foods or humming to just the right song.
— Barbara Brooke