Be transparent. Let's build a community that allows hard questions and honest conversations so we can stir up transformation in one another.

— Germany Kent

This not to say that the men and women associated with the Rat Bastard Protective Association had freed themselves from the powerful hold of established gender roles on their lives. Shirley Burman, Joan Brown, Jean Conner, Jay DeFeo, and Joanna McClure most frequently provided the practical component of the vision they shared with their spouses; that is, the women all worked for a living... As Càndida Smith observed, the 'contradictions of this imaginary society fell most acutely upon the women, for... They carried the burden of 'holding things together'.

— Anastasia Aukeman

In this so called high-society there is value of a dress but not of a person.So give me less food but give me on a big table.

— Vikram Singh Slathia

To say nothing is saying something. You must denounce things you are against or one might believe that you support things you really do not.

— Germany Kent

Everyone will not favor you or respect your beliefs, passion and purpose--so be it. But do not allow the views of others to hinder your quest. Remain steadfast.

— Terry A. O'Neal